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Visual Artist

Carrie Usmar
Apr 17, 20182 min read
Developing A Growth Mindset When You Are Depressed
New growth is an important part of life, growth gives us those lessons we can share and inspire others with. Growth gives us the pieces to t

Carrie Usmar
Apr 3, 20182 min read
Drink More Tea Mama
I looked down at my tea cup and it said Best Wife Ever. And I thought to myself wait a minute, your mind has gone in a spiral. You went from

Carrie Usmar
Jan 30, 20186 min read
Understanding Shame And How To Overcome It
My story of overcoming the shame from sexual assault and addiction. How to understand what the voice of shame is and 5 tips to overcome sham

Carrie Usmar
Dec 8, 20173 min read
To My Third Baby Turning One
There are times I’ve felt ashamed, afraid I am not doing enough. Not caring for you well enough. Afraid I will forget you. And I feel guilty

Carrie Usmar
Dec 4, 20174 min read
How To Overcome Fear
My mind said, you don’t have a proper headshot, or why would anyone want to read what you have to say. I envisioned the rejection email sayi

Carrie Usmar
Aug 21, 20174 min read
Beautiful Pictures Never Tell The Full Story
My experience reminded me not to assume anything about a person by looking at their photos. There is always more to their story.

Carrie Usmar
Jul 15, 20173 min read
Treading the Waters of Depression
I have bouts of depression. It pains me to admit that, I don’t want to believe it. But I have the kind of depression that doesn’t go away. S

Carrie Usmar
Jun 21, 20174 min read
Digging Up Old Roots And Growing New Ones
Some days I feel like giving up, screaming why, and ignoring the truth. I had deep roots that were uncovered in a storm. I tried to forget t

Carrie Usmar
Jun 13, 20174 min read
I Don't Need Help
Why is asking for help so hard? Why is receiving help hard? Why does it feel scary? I often think of my three year old. He doesn't ever...

Carrie Usmar
Apr 21, 20173 min read
Story of My LIfe
Left the clothes on the line for a few days. Story of my life. Story of my life....... what does that even mean? I think it's a funny...

Carrie Usmar
May 8, 20163 min read
My Motherhood Manifesto of 2016
A few things I have learned, as a mama daring greatly. (My daughter Celia and I, Photo Credit: Tiffany Axtmann Photography) Don’t fear...
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